Marijuana Legal Regulations in the USA
June 11, 2019, at the European University, Judge Mark Speiser from Miami (USA) held a public lecture for the European University students. The topic of the lecture was "Marijuana Legal Regulations in the USA".
The American judge introduced the precedents of his practice to the Georgian students. Giorgi Ghlonti - European University professor participated in the meeting. The Georgian professor drew a parallel with the Georgian reality. The invited guest presented interesting examples from his judicial practice on the mentioned topic to the students and touched upon the regulations of different US states. The lecture was held in question-answer mode. The mentioned topic, based on the current situation in the country, turned out to be very interesting for students.
After the meeting, Mark Speiser visited the European University Museum. The museum presents the historical archaeological collections of the European University, which include the Late Bronze Age and the Feudal Age.
Mark Speiser received his higher education at Washington University, North Carolina in 1972, and Georgetown University in 1976. Over the years, he held responsible positions in the US Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, the House of Representatives and the District Court. Presently, he continues his professional activity as a judge.