Current Justice Issues 2019
On October 19, 2019, an international scientific conference: "Current problems of justice" was held in Tbilisi Marriott, organized by the Law Institute of the European University.
The speakers talked about challenges in Georgian justice, the practice of implementing international standards in Georgian justice and current projects.
The speakers of the conference were practicing Georgian lawyers and representatives of the academic circle, also foreign experts and guests who shared their international experience with Georgian colleagues. Professor - David Kolbe, a lawyer from the state of Indiana (USA), who is in Georgia by the special invitation of the Institute of Law, gave a speech at the conference. The conference was solemnly opened by the famous Georgian scientist, former judge of the Strasbourg International Court Mindia Ugrekhelidze. According to him:
"Today's conference is a very important event in the history of the life of law. Because the level is gradually increasing every year, more and more young people are appearing and their number is increasing, European University is one of the leading universities. This day will contribute to further development, because it will stimulate better processing of those topics that have been covered in one way or another, but they can be further deepened." According to the organizer of the conference, Director of the Institute of Law - Ioseb Kelenjeridze: "The relevance of the topic of the conference is determined by the nature of justice itself, since the purpose of justice is justness, we must do everything at the scientific level to get as close to this ideal - justice as possible.
